Business concept implemented by a professional team with years of experience in the aviation industry. A team working together on the project for a long time. The project leader has industry experience, as well as serious management experience and an excellent work history.
Straightforward, low-cost business model. With very good knowledge of the industry, the team has already developed and planned future destination routes and customer portfolio. Location of the company in one of the key airports for cargo and transportation to and from the EU.
In addition to aircraft fleet, planned to establish cargo hub.
The concept can be implemented both under its own brand and under the brand of a new strategic shareholder, to be agreed. The project will be developed based on the established business plan.
Capital invested to date by project owner €0.25 million
Seeking capital from an investor in two rounds:
First - initial capital €2m
Second - investment for operating capital and in further development of the business €3-8m, can also be spread over two stages depending on investor preference. The strategic investor's stake in the company depends on the amount of invested capital. Majority share of a serious investor also possible.
Preferred investor from the industry or related industries.
No preference as to the provenance of the investor.
Country of origin: Cyprus, EU
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