Livestock Food Manufacturer Seeks Investment Capital
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The company is an established food producer and already has a significant market share.
Capital is needed to modernize and expand services and introduce new products using modern technology. The company will thus be able to increase its competitiveness and have capabilities and products that are also lacking in the market.
Strengthening competencies and introducing new products will give the company an edge over its competitors.
The investment will be allocated to a specific and already developed project, including:
purchase of land, construction of a farm, and purchase of modern equipment. The company has so far invested $500 thousand in the project
The project involves an aggressive sales plan that will ensure rapid turnover growth through the introduction of quality products and the acquisition of new customers and markets.
Thanks to the investment and cooperation with a responsible investor, the company can become a local market leader in several countries in the region.
Both financial investor and industry investor welcome
Share capital of about $5 million sought
Possible investment phased in several stages of about $1.5million each.